The IPMO recognises all
International Mediation Institute
(IMI)-accredited foundational mediation training courses. These are courses which IMI approves as "Qualifying Assessment Programmes" (QAPs).

Mediation Foundation Ireland are offering 3 further IMI and IPMO-accredited online mediation training courses in June, September and November of this year.
2022 Training Dates |
Assessment Date |
2, 3, 9, 10, 16 & 17 June |
24th June |
8, 9, 15, 16, 22 & 23 September |
7th October |
17, 18, 24, 25 November & 1 December
16th December |
More information can be found on the MFI website.
As per our admission rules, certification on this course, which involves passing the assessment, will qualify you to become an IPMO NQ member.
To enquire, contact Fiona Farrell (MFI Programme Manager) or call 089 6152276